Harrison AR Homes, Farms, Land and Other Real Estate Listed and Sold!
The Harrison Land Office serves the Harrison area, Boone County and Northwest Arkansas, offering homes, land, farms and commercial real estate for sale. We also have rentals homes available.
Whether buying or selling in town or in our beautiful rural Boone County and Northwest Arkansas locations, we are here for you! We are a family owned and operated five generation business, firmly rooted and dedicated to serving the real estate needs of those living and moving here. Over the years we have served a host of clients who have become our friends and neighbors.
The Harrison Land Office has grown with the community, but not so much that we ever lost sight of who we are, who we serve and who our friends and neighbors are.
The Harrison Land Office - Doing business since 1942 in the same location. Dedicated to serving the real estate needs of the people of this area! Give a call or stop in to see us today. We look forward to meeting you!